
Thursday, October 16, 2014

wise counsel...



KJV Proverbs 15:22-23 

22  Without counsel purposes are disappointed:  but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.

23  A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!


acutely aware of the importance of wise counsel.

counsel that lines up with the Word of Yah...

as i strive to line up with the Word of Yah.

i pray for Almighty to send this to me- or me to it, if need be.  this is my prayer for all souls that would be Blessed by it.  in Messiah's Name i pray.    

may He give me a triple portion of Relax, too. 

in Truth, with fear and trembling i work out my Salvation, as it is written.  fully persuaded + believing that Messiah died that i might know Life and know it more Abundantly...

this is the Gift He has given US all.

it is with a sober mind; yet with joy, that i watch.

+ pray.

like Momma used to say:)

while working to have active Faith.  experiencing daily the need to get out of His Way.  praying, somewhat frantically, to walk in His Way. 

seems i possess a streak of hell in me when tested.


there is also a religious program to go along with all the other programs that gets vehemently resisted.



may we all try the spirits by the Spirit.  as we head on into...


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